Jenny's Jungle-Behind the Scenes

Jenny was an avid reader and human rights advocate. When we were looking to expand our support, the YWCA of San Diego felt like a natural fit. We approached them initially seeking to offer monetary support for one of the many beneficial programs they offer and left with new considerations. After careful thought, we wanted to align Jenny's memory with something she loved, reading and a real need in the community to provide a safe and joyful space for children to heal and recover in one of the YWCA's transitional housing units. Jenny's Jungle was born. We worked with a graphic artist on Etsy to create a one-of-a-kind logo that both children and adults would enjoy.



The opportunity to design and create a space for a children's reading area has continued to expand us as a foundation. We align with education, literacy and social service programs that fill the needs of the communities they serve.  


2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of the 4th grade, will end up in jail or on welfare. -Literary Statistics,

According to UNICEF, nearly a billion entered the 21st Century unable to read a book or sign their names and two thirds of them are women. Literary Statistics on UNICEF

The most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low-income children is to increase their access to print.

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Above all else, I want you to know that you are loved and lovable. You will learn this from my words and actions-the lessons on love are in how I treat you and how I treat myself.

I want you to engage with the world from a place of worthiness. You will learn that you are worthy of love, belonging, and joy every time you see me practice self compassion and embrace my own imperfections... The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto, Dr. Brene Brown.